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Australian businesses, particularly sole traders and small to medium enterprises (SMEs) are struggli...
Knowing where to look for viable financing for your SME can sometimes be harder than securing the funding itself. It’s possible to be overwhelmed by the myriad of big bank lenders peddling the same emotive solution to your hamstrung dreams and cash-flow woes but there are many benefits to resisting the lure and seeking out a tailored solution.
It’s Faster And Easier
Unsecured loans from banks typically require a detailed credit history that can be laborious to produce let alone review. Whereas if you own a property and have been in business for a minimum of two years, Dynamoney can approve you within two hours without requiring a credit check.
“The criteria for approval is simple as they understand the urgency of SME business growth and the need for a quicker and easier solution to financial management.”
Financing Is Their Only Focus
If you have ever bought a coffee from a bakery or used a netball ring to play basketball, it’s safe to say you’ve been underwhelmed by an unreached potential. Now increase the stakes. You are dealing with unpaid invoices that can lead to supply chain delays, these lead to a drop in customer satisfaction and in turn a drop in revenue, so on and so forth. Dynamoney comprises experts that share one focus- the provision and maintenance of the appropriate financial solution to your SME. They are not distracted by a multitude of external matters encompassed by bank lenders as their constant focus on specialist finance matters means they have more time and resources to focus on your SME ecosystem with precision.
Diverse Financing Options
When looking at the bottom line, the source of your cash flow strains can be hard to identify. This is another key reason to work with a specialist team committed to understanding your SME needs because securing finance is one thing but securing the right finance is key. The value of Dynamoney’s expertise will help you work backward from the bottom line and pinpoint the source of the deficit as well as opportunity.
Understanding the difference between financing options requires quality assistance as an asset, inventory, and salary costs seem to converge when they all flow outwards from the same bank account. Conversely, you may not be focused on your bottom line and instead identified a need for a truck, energy system, or other specific assets to improve compliance or profitability. It is worth noting that asset financing allows you to share the cost of the desired equipment with Dynamoney who will own the asset outright.
Regardless of your level of understanding between the different financing options, Dynamoney safeguards against high-risks and their expertise is designed to provide you with a tailored financing option to drive business growth upon approval.
Food For Thought
There are many players in the market and a lot of financing available to you. A plethora of options never makes choosing easier but being equipped with a checklist that filters for low barriers to entry, speed, specialisation in finance, and a diverse product range will help you end up in the best hands. Dynamoney invites all SMEs to use their easy repayments calculator or get in touch directly and take the first step in managing their finances.